Canadian Condominium Institute
The Canadian Condominium Institute leads the National condominium industry by providing education, information, awareness and access to expertise by and for our members. Coast to Coast... we are your condo connection!
At GeniePad our goal is to help condominium, homeowners associations (HOA), residents, and property managers with their community. With GeniePad we wanted to help not only by providing a condominium and HOA website, but a solution to various communication obstacles. We have accomplished this goal quite successfully.
In order to provide additional information and resources that are helpful in various aspects of condominium living, we decided to become members of the Canadian Condominium Institute. By becoming members, we will do our best to inform our users of courses, events, and seminars which CCI provides that will be helpful to condominium, associations, owners, residents, and property managers.
From the CCI Website:
What is CCI?
The Canadian Condominium Institute is the Voice of Condominium in Canada. It is a national, independent, non-profit organization dealing exclusively with condominium issues. Formed in 1982, CCI represents all participants in the condominium community. Interested groups are encouraged to work together toward one common goal -- creating a successful and viable condominium community.
Is the only national association to serve as a clearing house and research centre on condominium issues and activities across the country.
Assists its members through education, information dissemination, publications, workshops, conferences and technical assistance.
Encourages and provides objective research or practitioners and government agencies regarding all aspects of condominium operations.
Lobbies provincial and federal governments for improvements to legislation.
Advocates for higher standards in all services to the condominium client.
CCI operates primarily through Chapters across the country. The National membership meets once each fall for the Annual General Meeting, held in Toronto. Day to day business at the National level is conducted through the National Board, its Executive and its manager, Taylor Enterprises.
The CCI National structure comprises an Executive Committee, National Directors and various standing and ad hoc committees.