Amenities & Bookings
Provide a quick and convenient way for your residents to book amenities.

Personally I think it is a smart and useful tool for a condo association to communicate with the tenants. All of our minutes are stored on there, so you have no excuse to not be informed.
Lorie Starrett - Owner
How can we help you?
View amenity availability
Are residents taking up your time with inquiries on availability or details for an amenity? By adding an amenity to CondoGenie, your residents will be able to view the availability of each amenity and book it on their own! Each amenity has its own availability calendar.

Specify amenity details
Do your residents know what amenities are available to them? Do they know the rules and regulations of each amenity? How about any costs associated with booking? You can specify these details, such as policies, rules, or regulations, as well as any costs associated with booking.
Approve bookings
Would you like to review a booking before it is approved? You have an option to automatically approve bookings or the option to review and approve each booking manually before a resident receives a confirmation.

CondoGenie is an excellent way of keeping "everyone" up-to-date on what is being done for us.
Frances Lyons - Owner