Your product has vastly improved the quality of our building and without it I probably would have stopped being a condo board member years ago.

Anonymous - Board Member
Yesterday our strata held a first AGM meeting after introduction of CondoGenie. Everybody was very excited about our new communication tool. People like simplicity and effectiveness of it. We already have a lot of problems easy resolved just by having CondoGenie.
Excellent work!
Thank you very much

Jerry Warchol
Owner, Board Member
CondoGenie has been a great form of communication to use within our building and condo board. I like the approach of going "paperless" and omitting flyers to communicate with. This also helps keep a clean looking entry and lobby within the building. Waterside Estates has a large number of young professionals living in it and using a program like CondoGenie has been the perfect form of technology for us to keep one another connected.

Bridgette Jarosch
CondoGenie has really improved communication in the building. It is great for keeping you up to date on information from condo board meetings that you may have missed, accessing documents, frequently asked questions, events and providing helpful timely responses. It is very informative and easy to use, I prefer it to the paper distribution that we used prior to CondoGenie.

Lori Elliot
CondoGenie service was exactly what were were looking for, right when we needed it. Our strata now has a place for the members of our community to get all the news and information they need, as well as access our documents safely and securely. The team at CondoGenie has been extremely helpful and always there to lend a hand with set-up, taking into account our specifics needs, and all in a remarkably timely fashion.

Erik deJong
Unit Owner and Board Member
I was living in Ontario when I bought my condo at the “Cosmopolitan”. When I started asking questions about the condo (which meant long distance phone calls), I was told about the "CondoGenie". It soon became my new best friend as all the questions I had, I no longer had to wait for someone to return my calls, the answers were on the CondoGenie web site. Personally I think it is a smart and useful tool for a condo association to communicate with the tenants. All of our minutes are stored on there, so you have no excuse to not be informed. It is a great communication tool for selling items to asking questions of your fellow tenants – all condos should have it!

Lorie Starrett - Owner
Moved into the Cosmopolitan roughly April 11' and glad that there was a site to visit. Definitely helps a lot in knowing what's going on/in the building and what to watch out for. Slowly trying to figure out the interface of the site, like all other sites/software, but once you get used to moving/navigating in and around, its pretty simple and straight forward. Definitely met my expectations for a high rise building that has been functioning since its incorporation.

David Palaypay
Owner & Board Member
I've served on the Board of Directors at the New Cambridge Lofts for two years now, and implementing CondoGenie is one of the best decisions we've made to date. Today, a high percentage of our residents and owners use the site, and rely on it to receive emergency updates, and stay informed as to what the Board is up to. It has facilitated an unprecedented level of communication between Board members and residents. Finally, it has built a sense of community within the building, as residents can connect and discuss building-related issues. CondoGenie is a great tool, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly!

Kent McKay
Owner, Board Member
I am an owner of a condo at Beachwalk at Indian River Plantation. Since signing on to CondoGenie I am now kept abreast of all of the happenings not only in our condo complex but within our resort community. It is an excellent way of keeping "everyone" up-to-date on what is being done for us.

Frances Lyons
We're really happy that our condominium went with the CondoGenie online website. We own and rent our unit located in Edmonton. The online information and access keeps us in the information loop that much quicker instead of waiting for any paper mail, which can be redundant by the time it's received.
Here's another example of how this can keep owners and tenants informed: The building was recently broken into and some minor thefts occurred, however with our ability to type a quick message to inform the Board, this in turn was sent out to the CondoGenie as a crime alert and advised all residents and owners and a great crime prevention tool to provide some simple tips to prevent being victimized. Win win for everyone!

Rob and Jessica Hickey
Love CondoGenie. Excellent and easy way to keep on top of current issues and events in and around the condo. Really appreciate it.

Chelsea Krupa
We have been using for over a year now and it has made a tremendous impact on our association. I am the president of Cedar Place and the ability of accessing documents and the ability of sending out news announcements have been a time saver. I would recommend CondoGenie to anyone that lives in or owns a condominium. Your customer service is also exceptional as you are very quick to respond to my questions when I originally signed up.

Derek Osaduik
Board President & Owner
I love receiving the latest news regarding the building through CondoGenie. We can ask questions and receive answers in a timely manner, and share information privately. It keeps me up to speed with special events and also with information that may be of concern to me. If I need general information about the building I can go to the website without bothering others. This is an enviro-friendly way to send and receive information. I hope we continue using CondoGenie. I am going to suggest it to the board for a condo I own in a different area.

Linda McDougall
I am a new Condo Board member at The Century and I just want to say thanks for creating your service and also continuously improving it by adding more features and making it more user-friendly. It has been extremely helpful for our building with regards to communication issues and also being proactive with regards to solving problems. So thank you very much.

Board member
My name is Edward Leung, I am an owner in the Illuminada 1 Tower. CondoGenie has been great for communication and notifications within the building. I have found I've learned a lot more about the building and the day to day administration of it since we adopted CondoGenie. It's the first real channel for communication we've had in the building since I moved in two years ago. It is timely, there is lots of participation within the building, and it is extremely effective at least for myself in being notified of upcoming cleanings/repairs being done in the building. It is also a good channel to let the other owners in the building know about issues that we otherwise would be in the dark about. The only downside I can see is that the less technologically adept residents may not use the site that much, and thus a backup method of communication is still necessary. Otherwise having an online forum for the building has been one of the condo board's best decisions in communicating with the building’s residents.

Ed Leung
Hi my name is Yun-Hui (Winnie) Chung. I'm an owner at Countryview Estates. CondoGenie filled in the gap of the fundamental need for communication between the property management company, the condo board, and the owners. It is a crucial tool that helps me to access the most updated information regarding my property. I am appreciative to people who made the decision to set up such quality tool. It's definitely an effective way to improve our communication and enhance our relationships with each other. I'm excited to experience more testimonials with CondoGenie in the future.

Yun Hui (Winnie) Chung
My name is Scheherazade, and I'm an owner in the New Cambridge lofts Building in Edmonton... The board started CondoGenie up with us less than a year ago, and I love it. The common area bulletin board is less cluttered now that folks are using the posting functions on the site, and I really appreciate getting email updates via CondoGenie from the board with updates on Security, Fire Alarms, etc. It's made living here a whole lot easier in a lot of ways, and I hope that more people sign up and take part in the greater online community that has blossomed for people that really care about where they live. I know my neighbours more, and have used it to showcase the building to a friend of mine who has recently purchased her own unit as a result.

Scheherazade Showleh
I really like CondoGenie and I check it all the time. It is great to hear from other people that live in the building and what the problems and concerns are. I like that you can also respond back as well.

Alene Mutala
My wife, Christina, and I live at Carriage Lane, in Hinton, Alberta. We are relative newcomers to the condominium. We also own another unit and rent it to tenants. The CondoGenie website has been very helpful for us in accessing information about the condominium (i.e. bylaws, board members, documentation, meeting schedules etc). I find the site well organized and easy to use and access. I really like the updates I get forwarded to my email account when a change has happened or new information has been added on the website. Keep up the good work!

Scott Tingley
CondoGenie is a great web based communication and informational tool for condo associations. It's secure, efficient and most of all easy to use. In today's high tech / informational world, there is such a disconnect within a community such as a condo. CondoGenie helps bring that sense of community back in a fun easy to use way. I highly recommend this product for anyone looking to solve these challenges.

Shaun Guthrie
Owner, Board Member