What is CondoGenie (Formerly GeniePad)?
CondoGenie is the solution to your countless sticky-notes, paper notices, document requests, and phone calls. Keep track and manage everything in one centralized location for the lifetime of your account. No more searching for that requested document or sorting through hundreds of e-mails.
Nothing to install or worry about
You don’t have to install, download or configure any software. As soon as you create an account with CondoGenie, your website and portal is ready for use. It’s better, safer, and smarter than traditional software. No “computer guy” required. We take care of all the technical magic. There is no wait time or setup fee's. Be up and running in 20 seconds.
If you are comfortable in sending an e-mail or creating a document, then you are ready to use and manage CondoGenie as your condo's and homeowners association website and communication portal. If you need help, we are only a phone call or e-mail away.
Communicate and inform everyone
Communicate and inform everyone in your community. Regardless if they are an owner, resident, tenant, or board member. You'll have everyone's contact information and be able to inform everyone that has signed up for your CondoGenie community. No more photocopying, printing, or delivering notices. No more worrying if the owners informed the tenants either!
Automatic notifications
GeniePad is more powerful than a simple website. Residents don't need to visit the portal to know what is happening in their community. When you add content to GeniePad everyone in your community is notified automatically!
Data backup
All your content and information is backed up daily. You don't have to worry about losing important documents, messages, or other information.
Do you have a question? Do your residents have a questions? We are here to help! Regardless if it's a board or council member, property manager, or resident, we will be happy to help, so you don't have to! Feel free to direct your residents to us for help 🙂
Secure access
Your CondoGenie account is password protected and safe from unauthorized users. All CondoGenie plans include SSL security – the most secure way of protecting your information - that's what the banks use. Decide what you make public, and what you make private behind a secure log-in. Give access to your private information like news announcements and documents only to authorized users and residents. This way only legitimate users will have access to your documents and more.